Lorine Niedecker
Poet of Place

I think lines of poetry that I may use โ all day long and even in the night.
โ Lorine Niedecker, speaking to Cid Corman shortly before her death in 1970.
One of the finest American poets at all, besides being easily the finest female American poet โฆ Lorine Niedecker never fails; whatever she writes is excellent.
โ Basil Bunting

Lorine Niedecker (1903-1970) was an important twentieth-century American poet. Living most of her life on the shores of the Rock River near Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, Niedecker is perhaps best known as a poet of place who wrote about the Blackhawk Island that she loved. Niedecker died in 1970, just as her poetry was reaching a larger audience.

In addition to her writing about her home place, Niedecker’s body of work includes surrealist-influenced exploration of dreams and the subconscious, folk poetry influenced by Mother Goose tales and vernacular speech, exquisite haiku-like short poems, and expansive long poems which explore history, biography, and geologic time.

Over the past half-century, Niedecker’s life and writing have been the subject of serious study by critics from around the world. She has often been praised for her perseverance in total devotion to the craft of poetry and for the sublety, intelligence, and irony visible in her extraordinarily condensed, carefully crafted, and highly musical poems.

The Friends of Lorine Niedecker
The Friends of Lorine Niedecker (FoLN) is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and expanding the legacy of Lorine Niedecker.
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FoLN Events
The Friends of Lorine Niedecker hosts multiple events each year, including poetry readings through the Solitary Plover and the North Central reading series.
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FoLN News
The Friends of Lorine Niedecker publishes the Solitary Plover, a bi-annual newsletter which includes Niedecker-related news and original poetry from contributors around the world.
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Our blog includes occasional Niedecker-related news items:
Caryl Pagel awarded the 2025 Lorine Niedecker Fellowship
February 19, 2025: The Friends of Lorine Niedecker and Write On, Door County are pleased to announce the selection of Ohio poet Caryl Pagel as the recipient of the 2025 […] Read more
Caryl Pagel’s talk on Lorine Niedecker now available from PBS Wisconsin
PBS Wisconsin recorded a presentation on Lorine Niedecker given by Caryl Pagel at the Hoard Historical Museum on August 29, 2024. It can be viewed on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMdt8I4vx3k. Enjoy! […] Read more
Applications now open for 2025 Lorine Niedecker Fellowship
The Friends of Lorine Niedecker and Write On, Door County are pleased to announce the availability of a Lorine Niedecker Fellowship during May 2025. This fellowship is offered every two […] Read more