The Solitary Plover

The Solitary Plover is the bi-annual (winter/summer) newsletter of the Friends of Lorine Niedecker. Provide your email below to receive each future issue:

Submission Guidelines

The Solitary Plover accepts submissions for the newsletter from the public. Items considered for publication include:

  • essays, book reviews, news items, and events related to poetry and/or Lorine Niedecker. Prose submissions should be limited to 1600 words.
  • original poetry which honors Niedecker in theme, style, or content. Poets may submit 1-3 poems of any length for consideration in a single issue of the newsletter. The subject line of your submission should include your last name and “Plover Submission”

All submissions should be sent as email attachments (in .doc, .docx, .rtf or .txt format) to Please include your mailing address and a 50 word bio in the body of your email submission.

The reading period for the Winter issue is from December 1 through the second Saturday in January. The reading period for the Summer issue is from May 1 through the second Saturday in June. Any submissions received outside these periods will be retained for consideration for the next issue but will result in longer waits.

Contributing authors will receive one contributor’s copy of the print issue in which their work appears. Rights revert to poets/contributors immediately after publication. If poems are reprinted later (in a collection or anthology), we appreciate an acknowledgements credit.

If you have any questions, please contact the editors at

Peggy Turnbull, Poetry Editor
Kelli Rowley, Copy Editor

Past Issues